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How to Tag Posts on Social Media

Working for many years in the fitness industry, I've found that the people who are most successful at reaching their fitness goals are those who have some type of support. This support might come in the form of working 1-on-1 with a personal trainer, but it can also come from a friend or family member.

What if you don't have the money to hire a trainer or any friends and family members who current support and encourage you to work on your fitness goals?

I'm here for you!

If you share your acceptance, progress, and completion of a fitness dares from Superwomen Secrets Revealed with a post on social media tagged with the challenge hashtag (#FitNFitDare) and the Fit Armadillo social media account (@FitArmadillo), I'd be happy to cheer you on!

Not sure HOW to tag your posts on social media? 

This page has a video and written tips that review the basics so you can get started!

How to Tag #FitNFitDares and Fit Armadillo on Social Media:

How to Tag Posts on Social Media:

1. Make sure you have a social media account​!
You don't have to sign up for ALL of them, but pick at least one of the following that I also use so we can be social together :) 

  • Head HERE to sign up for Twitter.
  • Head HERE to sign up for Instagram.

2. Follow Fit Armadillo on the form(s) of social media you will post on:

Visit our social media accounts and "Follow"(Instagram and Twitter) or "Like" (Facebook) us to make it easier for your account to find ours when you're ready to post!

  • The Fit Armadillo Twitter account is HERE.
  • The Fit Armadillo Instagram account can be found HERE.
  • Our Facebook page is HERE.

1. Find a #FitNFitDare in the book to accept

  • Option 1: Accept a dare by finding one at the end of one of a superwomen's chapter (perhaps the one who's most inspiring to you?). 
  • Option 2: Head to the resources section at the back of the book for a list of dares and choose from one of the ones there.

1. Log into the social media account of your choice. 

2. Write a post announcing the #FitNFitDare you are accepting and tag Fit Armadillo AND the name of the inspirational lady who dared you to accept this fitness challenge, if she has an account on that platform.

Overview of Typing and Checking a #FitNFitDare Post on Intagram
how to tag on instagram social media posts finess challenge

Typing a #FitNFitDare post on Instagram
Note use of the hashtag #FitNFitDare and @FitArmadillo so I'll be notified that you've posted.  If you're following Fit Armadillo on Instagram before you post, you won't need to type our full name to tag us-just click on the business name when it pops up (shown above). 

instagram tag fitness challenge

Dare accepted!
This is how your dare will look after you've submitted it on Instagram (of course, it will have your pretty face instead!). If you tagged your post properly, both #FitNFitDare and @FitArmadillo will turn blue. Click on the hashtag to see other posts and cheer on your fellow superwomen readers. Click on @FitArmadillo to visit Fit Armadillo on Instagram!


Don't stop after accepting your first #FitNFitDare!!!

1. Write another post to show you taking action on the dare (don't forget the tags #FitNFitDare and @FitArmadillo so I can find you and cheer you on!). 

2. Write a third post when you have completed the dare and tag Fit Armadillo and a friend to dare them to complete the dare next!

3. Keep repeating the process until you've completed all dares!