Welcome to the Fit Armadillo 12 Days of Fitness Challenge
This page is the hub of the 12 Days of Fitness Challenge for our participants.
Click on a link below to review a fitness gift that was already given to you. Don't forget that the main part of the challenge during the 12 Days (12/25-1/5) is to get moving for 15 minutes each day. Share a post about what you did on social media and tag it #12DaysofFitness and Fit Armadillo so we can see it, give you credit, and cheer you on.
Day 2 Gift
Day 3 Gift
Day 4 Gift
Day 5 Gift
Day 6 Gift
Day 7 Gift
Day 8 Gift
Day 9 Gift
Day 10 Gift
Day 11 Gift
Day 12 Gift
Follow Fit Armadillo on your favorite form of social media so it's easier to tag us:
Have a question? Reach out: Catherine@FitArmadillo.com
Website made with Thrive Themes by non-techy Fit Armadillo owner Catherine Basu (sort of a miracle...)