Free Guide:
Build Your Home Gym
for $100 or less!
Want to tone up at home, but don't know where to begin?
I'd love to help!

Hello! My name's Catherine Turley.
I'm a Certified Personal Trainer who's been helping clients enjoy home workout routines for nearly a decade. In that time I've found that you do NOT need a gym to get results!
But it can be hard to know what equipment to purchase when you're just getting started.
That's why I want to give you my free 2 page guide to help you get started.
Click HERE or on the image to download the pdf - no email required!
You'll learn:
Which items to purchase first
How to select the correct weights for your fitness level
How to avoid the most common beginning exerciser's mistake when selecting weights
How to complete exercises to help you select your weights (links to videos that demo each move)
Other items to add to your home gym to increase the variety
Have a friend who this guide might help? Share this page :)
Love working out at home? Snag a copy of this awesome guide & build a #homegym for $100 or less!
For more tips (and a laugh or two) you can also catch this old school video I made:
I have a lot more fun videos with better sound quality on the blog. Head THERE for more tips :)
Thanks so much for visiting :)