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Private Online Pilates with Harjit N.

Book your next private online Pilates session:

No sessions at your desired time?

Email with your day and time request (plus your time zone/location!) and we'll try our best to book you in with Harjit or will recommend another instructor for you to try this week.

Meet private Pilates instructor Harjit:

 About Harjit:
    I'm a Pilates Process teacher based in Toronto, Canada. I started doing Pilates four years ago to recover from      a chronic condition which left me physically dependent on my family for many years. I'm now a recreational        aerialist with a body beyond my dreams! I credit private Pilates sessions - where I received individual-level           feedback on my form - as a key factor in my fitness accomplishments.

    Training philosophy: Don’t force your body into a change that it’s not ready for. Be willing to start small and           slow - you'll actually reach your fitness/life goals faster!

    Recent feedback from clients - “you’re a friendly and softer soul who listens really well” and “I never feel                   judged.”

  Videos and Tips from Harjit on the Blog: HERE

   Online Fitness Studio:
    -Connect via web browser HERE
    -App code: HNsStudio