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Join us for Turkey Day Tabata

Work Out & Give Back!

Want to burn more calories than a 5K this week?

Get in a great workout with us from the comfort of your home!

Fit Armadillo® is hosting a Thanksgiving Day Online Tabata Workout (a short, but sweet high calorie burning routine you can do at home!) and we'd love to have you join in on the fun.

In the spirit of the holiday the proceeds from the event will go to Feeding America.

Donate $15 to get access to the workout online for the week that it is online


Donate $20 to get online access AND a downloadable copy of the workout

Sign up to join us:

After signing up you'll be brought to PayPal where you will complete the checkout* process and be sent to the page where the workout will be available online from Saturday, November 21st -Tuesday, December 2nd for Giving Tuesday!

NOTE: Shannan, the awesome trainer who created the workout, has created a private Facebook group to help you stay motivated! To get your invite to the super private group, be sure to *add your name and the email address you use on Facebook when you check out so she can invite you to the group! 

Invite your friends to join us: 

Catherine Basu

I can't wait to have you enjoy Turkey Day Tabata with Shannan!

-Catherine Basu, Owner of Fit Armadillo ​

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