You want to start a fitness routine so you have enough
energy to enjoy what really matters.
But you've been having trouble getting started on your own.
You're so busy that you're not sure
if you have enough time to get results.
You would love to work with a personal trainer
who fit into your schedule so you could be more effective,
but you don't want to join a gym.
Does someone like that exist?
They do now!
How Online Personal Training Works:

Hello, I'm Catherine Turley
I'm an ACE-Certified Fitness Professional and the owner of Fit Armadillo®.
After working in gyms for the first 6 years of my career, I started my own business to serve busy women who did not want to join a gym, but did want to enjoy the many benefits of fitness.
For the past 7 years, I've been helping busy moms, professionals, and entrepreneurs fit in fitness on their terms with private fitness sessions. I really love being able to bring fitness to my clients so they can be successful even if they have demanding schedules.
It's been an amazing and rewarding journey!
But three years ago, my passion for connecting busy women with personal trainers became more personal.
You see, my sister had her first baby and she really wanted help getting her body back.
But she was having trouble finding childcare so she could make it to fitness classes or schedule personal training sessions on a regular basis.
As not only her sister, but also a personal trainer, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I offered to train her via Skype in an "on demand" way.
My sister would text me when she had my niece down for a nap. I'd have a few minutes to get ready for our session while she completed her warm-up. Then we'd hop on Skype so she could sneak in her 30 mins of fitness when it worked for her.
This arrangement worked so well, that I wanted to bring it to more people.
And when I talked to my trainer friends?
I found that THEY really wanted something like this, too.
In addition to working odd hours (most clients want to meet in the early AM or late PM) many trainers are also moms who struggle to work consistent hours due to childcare constraints.
They WANT to be able to help support their families and change the lives of their clients, but often can't.
This opportunity to make a positive impact on their lives made me even more excited.

My niece, sister and me after an online personal training session (sorry for the faceless pic of my niece! She's SUPER cute, but her dad says she's too young to be a model!)
I realized that using online fitness sessions to help busy women would not only help them and change their lives, but it would also have a huge positive impact on their trainers!
What you might not know about gyms...
While gyms charge clients $90 for a 30 min session and require clients to have a monthly membership to train, they often pay trainers a VERY low wage.
In fact, one company I interviewed with recently only pays trainers $6 a SESSION, less than 10% of what the gym charges clients!
Your workouts will be part of a real MOVEment!
By working with your personal trainer via online fitness sessions, you're not only going to feel amazing from the extra energy your workouts will give you and the opportunity you'll have to be a great role model.
You'll also get to help some amazing and talented fitness professionals achieve their dreams of making a living and a difference in the often tricky fitness industry.
Check out this AWESOME fitness program and be a part of a real MOVEment when you tone up at home!
Pretty neat, right?
I know I think so 
What's next?
If you're ready to be part of a real MOVEment, head HERE to book your first session!
Thanks for reading!
I hope to have the honor of matching you with your perfect personal trainer soon.
Your friendly personal trainer,
Catherine Turley
P.S. Have some friends who are also SUPER busy and would love to work out at home? Share this page with them!
Want to tone up, but don't want to join a gym? Get matched with an online personal trainer @FitArmadillo!
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