Inspirational Role Models for Fitness & Life

Inspirational Role Models for Fitness & Life
It's week 3 of Inspirational Role Models Month!
The past two weeks, I shared advice from some of my favorite inspirational role models who graced the stage this year's S.H.E. Summit.
If you missed those posts, be sure to check out Part I HERE and Part II HERE.
Today, I'm excited to share that I'm only a few weeks out from releasing my first book. Titled, Superwomen Secrets Revealed: Successful Women Talk About Fitting in Fitness and Dare You to Join Them, the book is full of inspiration and insights from successful women.
It's been a long, but exciting journey!
Yesterday, I finally picked a book cover (I had over 300 options after running a design contest so that was no easy task)! This Friday, the book will start going through the formatting process so it will be ready for you to enjoy in both a digital and hardcopy version before we round out 2016!
Why I Wrote This Book
When I started Fit Armadillo, I had 6 years of experience in the fitness industry, but zero years of experience as a business owner.
To cut down on the learning curve, I started consuming one entrepreneurial book, article, and tele-summit after another. I definitely had a lot to learn and wanted to find motivation and inspiration for my new role as female entrepreneur.
To my surprise I uncovered an exciting pattern:
Most of the entrepreneurs I looked up to shared the same secret—they swore that fitting in fitness was the key to their success.
Richard Branson even shared that working out causes him to be 2x more productive every day!
As a fitness professional, I had taken the benefits of fitness for granted.
But when I made the connection between physical fitness and success in business, I knew I had to bring this secret to life and share it with other female entrepreneurs.
I made it my mission to interview inspiring, successful women about the ways that moving more benefitted their careers. Superwomen Secrets Revealed: Successful Women Talk Fitting in Fitness and Dare You to Join Them is the result.
Who the Book Is For
While my research for this book started with a personal quest to uncover business tips as a female entrepreneur, you don't have to own your own business to benefit from reading it.
Each of the amazing women —CEOs, founders, attorneys, entrepreneurs, and more—that I interviewed shared how and why she fits fitness into her busy schedule and dares you to take a simple, actionable step to experience the benefits for yourself.
Whether you’re a female entrepreneur looking to find more energy to fuel your dreams, a mom who wants to be a healthy role model, or simply someone who can’t refuse a good fitness challenge, you’ll find this book to be a valuable companion.
More importantly?
I hope you'll find it to be a call to action. As you read through it, accept the dares and report your progress on social media so we can cheer you on!
I hope you'll check out the book to learn how to change your world … and then THE world … one workout at a time!
How to Get the Book
Now through our official launch day (estimated to be early December), you can enjoy a free digital advance copy of the book HERE.
My goal is to use this book to inspire as many women as possible so please share this information with a friend!
Have you enjoyed unexpected business or life benefits by including movement in your busy day? Inspire another blog visitor by sharing your thoughts below: