Teachers – Fit Armadillo


free stuff for teachers

Hello, teachers!

As a former classroom teacher, I know how hard it can be to fit fitness into your lesson planning.


I also know that if you do, you'll see HUGE benefits.

That's why I'm so passionate about helping you tone up on your terms.

While I'm not currently running any group fitness programs for teachers, I do have a few free items and resources to share that you can find below:

FREE Stuff for Teachers:

1. 7 Day Teachers' Tone Up Challenge

- A self-paced online course snag it HERE (for free or pay what you can to help cover hosting costs).

2. Blog posts from past Teachers' Tone Up Challenges

-Lesson Plans
-Tips for your healthy lifestyle

3. Inspiration 

-Tips and fun posts from my Pinterest board

I hope these resources help you and that you have an amazing year!

Your friendly personal trainer,

Catherine Basu

Catherine Basu​

Missed out on the last live online group program for teachers? 
Email Catherine to see if she can set one up for you + your teacher friends!