Wondering What to EAT When Pregnant? Dr. Nicole Avena is here to help!
When you’re pregnant, it’s easy to list off all the things you’re NOT supposed to eat.
But knowing what you should eat? In working with many moms seeking a fit pregnancy (including my own sister!), I’ve come to realize that the latter can be a pretty difficult AND anxiety-inducing task.
Until now!
Dr. Nicole Avena wrote her new book, What to Eat When You’re Pregnant, to help you do just that – and more.
What to Eat When You’re Pregnant is a guide for new moms and moms-to-be that makes it easy to identify what to eat--as opposed to what to avoid–while pregnant and nursing, to support the mother’s health and the baby’s development during each stage of pregnancy, with 50 recipes.
#Pregnant? Get @DrNicoleAvena's guide so you know what to EAT: http://amzn.to/1QEEUA9 #healthymom #fittips
When I first heard about the book, I was so excited!
I would FINALLY have a great resource to share with my new mom fitness clients. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a copy.
But when I got it in the mail, I was worried – how could this small book have the information it claimed to contain AND 50 recipes? Most books for pregnant women are several times the size!
In reading it I found the answer was that it is to the point. All the facts and EASY recipes, but none of the fluff. It really was exactly what I had been looking for these past few years!
I can’t wait for you to check it out and breathe a sigh of relief.
And before you do?
Why not meet the author?
Last week, I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Avena to gain HER insights. She stopped by to talk about her book, What to Eat When You’re Pregnant, with me so I could share her thoughts with YOU!
Tune in to learn:
-What inspired Dr. Avena to write the book (hint: she’s not “just” a super smart PhD
–Who she wrote the book for (even though I can’t see who you are, I’m willing to bet YOU will benefit)
-The most common misnomer you’ll hear when you’re expecting and the facts
-Why it’s so important to be mindful of what you eat before, during and after pregnancy
-Her answers to fan and client questions
Here’s our interview:
I hope you enjoyed meeting Dr. Nicole Avena and hearing her tips as much as I did!
Which was more than I think I let on in the interview…as a Biology major and former High School Biology teacher, I had a hard time not totally geeking out while talking to her!
If you enjoyed this interview, please be sure to share it and the book with any of your friends and family who are planning on starting a family, expecting, or nursing. I know they will find it super helpful.
And if you want a FREE copy of the book…you’re in luck!
I loved it so much I decided to run an Amazon Giveaway for the book. NOTE: the giveaway has ended. Be sure to sign up for my e-mail list to be notified of future giveaways.
Don’t forget to THANK Dr. Nicole Avena for being so generous with her time! Send her a Thank You Tweet, Facebook Note, or leave a comment below to show your gratitude: