12 Days of Fitness: Day Two – Fit Armadillo

12 Days of Fitness: Day Two

day 2 fitness challenge12 Days of Fitness: Day Two

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! Today is the second day of the 12 Days of Fitness Blog Challenge. Forgot to post your 10 mins of activity yesterday? That’s OK! Start today, I’d love to have you join us 🙂 For the complete challenge 411 and to learn how to join my free online Fit Club, click HERE.

Today, my hubby and I are heading back to Texas from Connecticut. I thought about going for my run when we got home, but wasn’t sure if that would really happen after a day of traveling. So I decided to brave the cold weather and hit the road early this morning. Even though it was a good 20 degrees cooler out this morning than yesterday, the sun was shining 🙂 :

good morning sun

My Second Day of Fitness Workout:

I wore both my Adidas Fit Smart and Garmin 310XT on my run to give the Fit Smart a chance to redeem itself after yesterday’s run.  If you stopped by the blog yesterday, you know that I’ve been having a few issues with my Fit Smart. Specifically, my watch told me that I ran almost a mile less than what the treadmill had calculated –not cool!

Today, my Garmin and Fit Smart had almost identical total mileage readings.  When I combine the stats from this run with a few I’ve done in Texas, I have to believe that it was something about running on the treadmill that made yesterday’s mileage inaccurate.  Maybe I run awkwardly inside? I’ll have to do another test to be sure!

garmin vs fit smart 12 days of fitness

On today’s run the Garmin and Fit Smart were in agreement on my mileage

While the mileage was fairly accurate, the heart rate monitor was having a little bit of a brain freeze. During the first mile of my run, it told me that I had a heart rate of around 113 bpm. I really don’t think I’m in such great shape that my heart rate would be THAT low during a run! After the first mile of my run the Fit Smart’s heart rate monitor was getting more realistic readings, however, near the end of the run it acted up again. While running down a hill, it said my heart rate was a very high 199 bpm! Seeing as I was coasting versus sprinting down the hill, I’m not buying that my heart rate was at 199 bpm!

Today’s workout was a nice easy run. I was feeling pretty sore from yesterday’s faster paced workout (if we’re to believe the treadmill over the Fit Smart, which I do!) and some strength training sessions earlier this week.  I’m glad I was able to get my workout in this morning!

Now, I’d love to know….what was your workout today? Remember, to participate in the challenge you only need to commit to 10 mins of walking each day. I know you can do it! Share your workout and, if you’re a blogger, the blog post’s url below and over in the Fit Club:

Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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