12 Days of Fitness Challenge – Day 9
Happy 9th Day of Fitness!
UPDATE: The 12 Days of Fitness Challenge for 2015-2016 has come to an end. Get your copy of the full 12 Days of Fitness Workout Video HERE.
That means there are only a few more days left in the 12 Days of Fitness Challenge. Pretty soon one lucky participant will win their very own 1-on-1 online personal training session!
Even if you haven't officially joined in on the fun yet, I encourage you to do so. Just head HERE to get all the tips for meeting the requirements for participation. You could still earn at least 4 entries into the drawing for this awesome giveaway.
Now, onto your Day 9 Fitness Gift!
Back to bring you today's item is personal trainer, Melissa Leavitt.
Unwrap your day 9 gift here:
Now that you've unwrapped your Day 9 gift, it's time to take action!
1. Make note of the variation of the exercise that feels the best for your body so you know which one to complete for the 12 Days of Fitness Workout on Day 13.
2. Record your 10 mins of cardio (our daily dare to you during the 12 Days of Fitness Challenge).
3. Report your Day 9 workout (even if it's just 10 mins of walking) on social media and tag your post #12DaysofFitness @FitArmadillo so we can give you credit.
Remember, if you participate every day for the 12 days you'll get the 12 Days of Fitness Workout for FREE AND any day of participation will get you entered into our drawing for a 1-on-1 online personal training session.
To sign up to work with Melissa NOW instead of waiting to win, head HERE and request her for your next session.
Good luck on Day 9! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for your Day 10 Gift.
Need to catch up? Click on the day below to view that post:
About the Challenge
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8