12 Days of Fitness-Day Five
12 Days of Fitness – Day Five
We’re one day away from the halfway point of the 12 Days of fitness challenge. Today is Day Five! If you’re new to the challenge, check out my intro post about it HERE. I’d love for you to join in on the fun and start your New Year’s Resolution early 🙂
My Day 5 Workouts
With some of my clients still gone on vacation today, I had extra time to work out and I took full advantage! I started things off by doing what is going to be one my New Year’s Resolutions: IT Band rehab exercises. Then, I took my computer down to our gym for a little walk and work and Bravo TV time. Here’s my treadmill’s version of my first little fitness session:
Of course, I had to put my Adidas Fit Smart watch to the test again. This was my first Fit Smart recorded walk. I’ve tried the Fit Smart on the treadmill for a run and outside a few times also while running, but never on a walk. I should probably go for a walk outside to see how that goes. As with my previous treadmill test, this one didn’t go too well. Here is the Fit Smart’s interpretation of my walk compared to the treadmill’s stats:
The most notable difference is the mileage. I recorded the Fit Smart’s readings mile by mile as well. Mile one one Fit Smart registered after 1.37 miles on the treadmill. This difference wasn’t consistent mile by mile. Another discrepancy was my calorie burn. The Fit Smart always has me burning more calories even though I’m walking less! Somehow, I’m not believing that that is true!
After my nice walk and work I finally got in a strength training session. I used the free weights, body weight, and a few pieces of equipment to do a full body workout. I used the Fit Smart during that session and here’s what it said:
The heart rate reading seems fairly accurate for the type of training I completed. I’m pretty sure I didn’t walk as far as the watch noted, despite 3 sets of walking lunges. The calorie burn also seems a little high as I didn’t do any intervals.
Instead of running today, I decided to go for a swim. My knee wasn’t feeling 100% and I figured it was better to play it safe so I can run tomorrow. I got about 20 mins in and used the Fit Smart:

Fit Smart Swim
I’m not a huge fan of swimming so I used the fact that there was a late Yoga class to get me to the gym. I took that class after my swim as a nice way to unwind and destress and also turned on the Fit Smart for that session Here are the results:
If you are a Yoga newbie, PLEASE stay until the end of class! One of the other yogi students was taking his first class and worked really hard, but left with 10 mins to go. Let me tell you, you DON’T want to do that! It’s the best part and much needed for someone who is Type A like I may or may not be 😉
I’m glad I got a solid day of fitness in on Day Five. I can’t wait to run again tomorrow and maybe try the Fit Smart out on an outdoor walk…we’ll see!
What was your workout on Day Five? Share with us by posting a comment below: