12 Days of Fitness-Days Seven and Eight
12 Days of Fitness-Days Seven and Eight
Day Seven of the 12 Days of Fitness was also New Year’s Eve. It was a pretty busy day here so that’s my excuse for posting my workout late and combining two posts into one. That and…I’ve been having trouble getting the proof of my workouts to load. So I’m going to detail them now even with limited stats and a day late. I hope you can forgive me!
Day Seven
For my last workout of 2014 I was able to enjoy a few little workouts! Since two of my AM clients were out of town, I was able to take one of the only group fitness classes besides Yoga that I find to be a good workout these days. It’s a Boot Camp class at my local gym.
I tried to get to the gym early enough for a 3 mile run, but ended up a little delayed and hit some traffic so I settled on a 2 mile run warmup instead. As I was finishing up my last few seconds of the run, I panicked thinking that there was a sub for the class. Luckily, the instructor has just gotten rid of her blonde highlights–it really had been a while since I’d been to class!!
The gym used to have a Zumba class after Boot Camp, but another surprise was that Yoga has taken its place!!! So I took a little shower and got back in the studio for a good stretch and savasana to end my 2014. I felt pretty lucky!
After my workouts I had two clients and then took the time to send a note to my A-List about my 2014. Usually, I don’t look back on my past year much on NYE, but I’m so glad I did this year! Fit Armadillo really has come a long way. You can see an overview of the year HERE.
Day Eight
That’s today!
Believe it or not I had a few clients today It was a lot of fun helping them start their routines for 2015.
Before my first client I was able to sneak in my own workout, a run (surprise, surprise). That workout is with the others that I swear I did yesterday — stuck on my Fit Smart.
Even though I did run outside, I forgot to charge my Garmin and only took my Fit Smart…not too smart of me, I guess. Hopefully, I can get the screenshot for you later, but I did take some solid mental notes during my run. If you’re a runner or know a runner you know that at least 90% of running is mental so….these notes are definitely solid!
I ran four miles and at mile one, the Fit Smart read 0.91 miles, mile two was 1.96 miles on Fit Smart, mile three was exactly 3 on Fit Smart, and mile 4? A surprising 4.12 miles. I really hoped it was going to be closer, but what can you do?
And that’s how I started my 2015
I don’t know about you, but I’m so excited for this year. It’s going to be EPIC!
I’d love to know if you worked out today or yesterday (I hope you did!) and what your NYE/New Years Day celebrations and plans are/were like. Tell me all about them with a comment below: