What’s for dinner? Wednesday – Page 2 – Fit Armadillo
Category Archives for "What’s for dinner? Wednesday"

Mussel Recipe

mussel recipe for dinner

What’s for Dinner? Wednesday is BACK!This week I have a mussel recipe that not only your muscles, but also your brain and immune system will love you for enjoying. Originally from my fave magazine, Clean Eating, it’s a recipe I’ve been dying to try for 5 yrs and FINALLY got it done. What made the difference? We’re still a mission […]

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Best Turkey Burger Recipe

Best Turkey Burger Recipe Did you know that June is National Turkey Lovers’ Month? I know I didn’t! But now you have a fun fact to use at cocktail parties and maybe win Jeopardy or Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (if they ask those types of questions on either of those shows…) 🙂 And if […]

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Butternut Squash Pasta

Butternut Squash Pasta One of the best things about being an ACE -Certified Fitness Professional  is our monthly magazine. In addition to great fit tips we get awesome recipe ideas. Most months, I forget to test them out in my own kitchen. This month? I was on it! I love butternut squash and being of Italian […]

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Bison Meatballs

Bison Meatballs   With the completion of my CPR recertification course last week, I’m now officially headed into my 9th year as a certified personal trainer! It seems like only yesterday I was leaving the testing site in Hartford, Connecticut after taking the American Council on Exercise exam. Time flies when you’re having fun, right? As […]

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