Day 9 of the 12 Days of Fitness Challenge

The 12 Days of Fitness Challenge | Day 9
It's time to get your heart rate up with today's fitness gift! Check out your Day 9 gift from personal trainer, Krista, by checking out the video below.
Check out the video for your Day 9 Fitness Gift:
We hope you enjoy this fitness gift.
Don't forget to get moving for 15 minutes today.
Didn't join us yet?
Sign up HERE and be sure to share your workout proof on social media and tag it #12DaysofFitness and us, Fit Armadillo, (find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) when you do.
See you on Day 10!
Or sooner...
I'm hosting a free live online workshop today to help you learn how to jumpstart your healthy lifestyle and drop up to two sizes in 8-10 weeks, if that's your goal. Head HERE to sign up and join me live, today (Tuesday, January 2nd) from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM PST.