Finding the Best Fitness Challenge – Fit Armadillo

Finding the Best Fitness Challenge

best fitness challenge home workout
What's the best fitness challenge this spring?

The best fitness challenge is the one that will help you find and keep your fitness motivation.


It's probably not the 500 squats a day fitness challenge and it might not be the same one that your best friend swears by.

As a personal trainer who's been an ACE-Certified Fitness Professional for a decade, I've seen my fair share of successful and unsuccessful fitness clients. 

Those who were successful have had two things in common:

1. They were in touch with their WHY.

2. They had a support system.

Looking for a #FitnessChallenge that will help you KEEP your #FitnessMotivation? Make sure it has these 2 things!

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A fitness challenge that will inspire you to move more should also include these elements.

Being in touch with your why, your reason for starting a fitness challenge or fitness routine is very important. If your why is weak, like to lose 40 lbs before your high school reunion, it won't keep you motivated for very long!

If, on the other hand, your why is strong, say - you want to be a healthy role ​model for your children or you want to have enough energy to keep up with your grandchildren, you'll find fitting in fitness and sticking to a challenge a whole lot easier.

And while some people can be successful without a support group, the vast majority of those who've reached big health goals had some sort of team. Whether that was a personal trainer or even simply a supportive friend or colleague.

17 New Fitness Challenges to Try this Spring

Where can you find a fitness challenge that helps you stay in touch with your STRONG why and puts you in touch with a powerful support group?

My new book, Superwomen Secrets Revealed, has 17 such fitness challenges because I wrote it with the two key factors of a successful fitness routine in mind.

To help you connect with a deeper why for your fitness journey, I've had successful women share their whys.

These women aren't fitness professionals. Some have had fitness as a part of their lives almost from day one, but many fell in and out of a routine in the past. Others did not think fitness was important at all until they somehow found it and saw how it changed their lives in a positive way.

And not just because moving more helped them fit into their skinny jeans!

These professional women-CEOs, female founders, busy moms, entrepreneurs, and more -use their fitness routines to have more mental clarity, energy and creativity that they use to reach and go after big goals in and out of their running shoes!

Even better?

They have all included a simple fitness challenge for you in the form of a fitness dare!

Each of the 17 women I interviewed for the book has dared you to join her in enjoying the benefits of fitness when you accept her challenge to you. 

That's how I've included important fitness challenge success factor #2 - a support system. Accept one of the fitness challenges (aka a #FitNFitDare), share proof of you working on it, and proof of you completing it on social media and remember to tag me (@FitArmadillo on Instagram or Twitter or my Facebook page), and I will cheer you on! Yes, I will be your trainer for free!

The #FemaleFounder @FitArmadilllo wants to be YOUR #personaltrainer for FREE! #FitNFitDare #FitnessChallenge

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Don't miss out on this opportunity!

Head HERE to grab your hardback of the book (I still have some in my office I can sign for you!) or ​HERE to grab the eBook (FREE to download today 4/6/2017!).

Then, be sure to report back with the fitness challenge you've accepted!

One from the 17 superwomen whose full interviews appear in the book or one from the resource section that includes fitness dares from superwomen I'd interviewed in the past on my blog.

​With all those choices, I'm sure you'll find one that's the best fitness challenge for you right now. The one that is the next step towards your goal or the one that will help you start moving towards them.

I can't wait to hear what dare you've accepted!

Need help figuring out how to tag your posts? Check out this video I shared to learn how it's done:

Thanks for stopping by! Here's to changing your world...and then THE workout at a time 🙂

Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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