How to Purchase Weights for Your Home Gym – Fit Armadillo

How to Purchase Weights for Your Home Gym

Happy Tighten + Tone Tuesday! A few weeks back I shared a video that taught you how to set up a home gym for under $200.  Didn’t set up your home gym yet? Don’t worry! Today’s video focuses on some tips to make the process easier.  Watch it and then head out to get yourself set up before next year!


In this video you will learn: 


-How to make purchasing free weights (dumbbells) as easy as 1-2-3!
-Three exercises to help you purchase a set of light, medium, and heavy weights
-The number of repetitions you should be able to complete with a weight if it is appropriate for your current fitness level


Ready to learn? Tune in and then share your thoughts and this post if you found it helpful!

Want to learn more about how to set up a home gym for $200 or less? View my previous post HERE>>

What did you think of this video? I’d love to hear your thoughts or questions! Share them with a comment below: 

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Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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