The First Day of Christmas and Fitness – Fit Armadillo

The First Day of Christmas and Fitness

Merry Christmas

The First Day of Christmas and Fitness

Merry Christmas! Today is not only the first day of Christmas, it’s also the first day of my 12 Days of Fitness Blog Challenge. I created the challenge last year as a way to help keep my clients and fans moving over the holidays.

If the challenge is new to you or you need help setting up a blog, check out my post from earlier this week with all the 411 HERE.

As I mentioned on Tuesday, the goal of the challenge is to have fun while sticking to your fitness routine. You don’t need to do anything crazy to participate. All you need to do is commit to a minimum of 10 mins of activity (even walking counts!) every day from today through January 5th. Do that and not only will you be a 12 Days of Fitness pro,  but you’ll also get to take part in a special surprise I have planned 😉

As a quick reminder, once you have snuck in those 10 mins and then written about it on your blogshare the link in my online Fit Club. I’ll post your blog url on my daily post so others can find you and get inspired 🙂

My First Day of Christmas and Fitness Workout:

12 days of fitness day one

Since Jesus is the reason for the season and I wanted to get to church this morning, I set my alarm for 6 AM to get in my workout.  I’m celebrating Christmas in Connecticut so when I got to the car and realized it was 50 degrees Fahrenheit out, I REALLY wanted to run outside, but it was pretty dark and I’m a little clumsy so I decided to play it safe. Luckily, my parents belong to Anytime Fitness, so that made getting my Christmas fitness in fairly easy.

I started things off with some foam rolling and dynamic stretches to give my scrooge-like IT-band some love.  Then, I set off to do a little run on the treadmill.

My goal was to test out how well my Adidas Fit Smart could do at calculating my mileage. Luckily, I took photos after each mile and a screenshot of the treadmill after my run, because when I tried to upload my workout to miCoach, it told me I had no new workouts!!!! OY!

Here is my workout:

first day of christmas

My 1st Day of Fitness Workout: Treadmill vs. Fit Smart

The Fit Smart said I only ran 3.20 miles :/, but it told me I burned a whopping 372 calories doing so!  I’m not feeling so great about its indoor mileage calculating capabilities or calorie calculating skills after this workout.  Ok…now that I look at my mile-by-mile shots of my Fit Smart’s mileage, I can see that I did a horrible job taking photos! YIKES:

fit smart

I tried taking a pic at each mile, but easier said than done on a run!

I’ll have to talk to someone at Adidas about the fact that 0 new workouts synced next week, but this definitely makes it hard for me to think about starting 2015 with the Fit Smart.  One good thing I do have to say about this Adidas watch is that it is pretty good at calculating my heart rate, especially given the fact that it uses a wrist reading versus the old chest strap standard.

After my 4 mile run, I did a little walk to cool down for another mile and added some extra foam rolling and stretching. My legs felt great and loose today!

All in all it was a great workout and way to start the 12 Days of Fitness Blog Challenge 🙂

Did you work out today? If you did, tell me about it below.  Make sure to share your blog post in the Fit Club so you can take part in the 12 Days of Fitness Challenge with us 🙂

Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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