The SkinnyTaste Cookbook – Fit Armadillo

The SkinnyTaste Cookbook

the skinnytaste cookbook

The Skinnytaste Cookbook – My Review

A few weeks back, I came across my first Blogging for Books review thanks to the WOW Linkup.  As a blogger who loves books, I couldn’t wait  to check out the website for myself.  When I saw that The SkinnyTaste Cookbook was one of the books up for review, I was even more excited!

I’ve only been blogging for a little over a year, so I’m still learning all the big blogger names. However, since one of my weekly blog posts is What’s for Dinner? Wednesday, I started to hear about SkinnyTaste from my readers. While SkinnyTaste is now a NYT best-selling cookbook, it was first a popular blog. 

After hearing rave reviews about Gina Homolka’s recipes time and time again, I kept thinking about checking out The SkinnyTaste Cookbook the next time I stopped by a bookstore, but you know how that goes! It just didn’t happen. So this blogging for books opportunity came at the perfect time. I just plugged in my blog stats, which thanks to your comments have been looking pretty good, and got my copy of the book in the mail about a week later!

So…onto what you came here for, right? What do I think of the cookbook?

I LOVE it! The author, Gina, not only shares amazing healthy recipes, but she also shares great practical tips for reaching your weight loss goals without feeling deprived.  If you come here often, you know that that makes her a woman after my own heart.

Some of my favorite parts of the cookbook:

1.) Nutritional information for each recipe is clearly written and includes key facts: 

recipes with nutrition facts

Nutrition Facts Included with Each Recipe

2.) Mouthwatering pictures hard to tell by my picture of Gina’s picture, but the photos are sure to have you working up an appetite! If you’re like me and like to see a visual of what you’re planning on eating, you’ll definitely enjoy theses photos.

skinnytaste chicken parm

Mmmm… SkinnyTaste Chicken Parm!

3.) The color coded recipe key is perfect for making sure you’re cooking veg or gluten-free if you have a guest with special meal requirements OR if you’re like me and want to up your meal prep game by freezing meals 😉 

recipe key

Helpful Recipe Key

4.) Bonus resources like this guide for easy to make healthy snacks. Most of Gina’s Crave-Worthy snacks follow the tips I give my clients: fiber+protein at snack time to beat junk food cravings and stay full longer!

healthy snacks for weight loss

Gina’s List of Quick Healthy Snacks

The cookbook is divided into the following sections:

cookbook table of contents

As you can see, there is something for everyone!

I’ve only made one recipe so far and will share my experience of that with you next week, but was very pleased with the result. The name SkinnyTaste is definitely on point.  The recipe tasted so amazing, that I would have been a little suspicious of its health factor had I not prepared it myself. 

I can’t wait to really dive into the cookbook and enjoy more of the tasty recipes inside. As a personal trainer, I highly recommend this cookbook! It really embodies how I believe a healthy lifestyle should be: flavorful and fun rather than tasteless and boring. I hope you get to check out the SkinnyTaste Cookbook for yourself!

Looking for some last minute tasty and healthy Thanksgiving ideas? Check out this list of recipes Gina shared on the SkinnyTaste blog>>

Have you tried the SkinnyTaste cookbook yet or read Gina Homolka’s blog? I’d love to hear what your favorite recipe is, because the only problem I’ve found with the book so far is that all the recipes look so good, that I can’t decide where to begin!

Grab your copy of the cookbook here:

Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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