Tigthen + Tone Tuesday – Fit Armadillo

Tigthen + Tone Tuesday

Happy Tighten + Tone Tuesday! Today’s exercise is the forward lunge.  The lunge is a must-do exercise if you want to tone your legs.  Below we walk you through the steps to a perfect lunge.  Read through the checklist and let us know if you have any questions!

Get ready: Stand up straight and tall with your feet shoulder-width apart.  Engage (tighten) your abs.

Get set: Carefully lift one foot off the floor and find your balance on your standing leg. Once you have found your balance, step forward and land on your heel

Go lunge: Slowly shift your body weight towards the heel of the leg you have stepped forward onto and focus on a downward movement of your hips to the floor (NOT forward).  Continue to lower your body until your front thigh is parallel with the floor.  If this is uncomfortable, just lower to your comfort level! Your back should be straight. Your front knee should be in line with your front ankle and should NOT go past your front toes.

Finish:  Return to start by pushing off the front leg.  You thigh and butt muscles should contract to help bring you back to your standing position.

Repeat a set of 10-15 on this leg and then switch legs.

Here is your visual:

Ready for a challenge? To increase the difficulty level, hold weights at your side.  Feeling unstable? To decrease the difficulty level, don’t lower yourself as far to the ground.

Did you lunge it out today?  Let us know what you think of this must-do exercise by posting a comment below: 

Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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