Want a Free Nutrition Plan? You Could Win One! – Fit Armadillo

Want a Free Nutrition Plan? You Could Win One!

free meal plan

Would you like a Free Nutrition Plan? With all the BBQs and fun of last weekend behind you, you might be feeling a little guilty about some of your recent food choices.  Don’t worry! Tomorrow is a new day AND I’m running a giveaway for a free nutrition plan.

That’s right! The next Fit Armadillo Contest is for your very own personalized 1 week meal plan. When I say your own personalized meal plan, I mean exactly that.

Unlike other trainers, I don’t have one meal plan I give to all my clients.  You are unique and a meal plan must meet your unique goals and needs for it to work for you and your lifestyle, and ultimately, to get you results!

My meal plans are designed using software managed by registered dietitians. In fact, the program I use is the only one that’s actually legal for me to use as a personal trainer. 

You probably already suspected this, but that crazy no carb diet your friend’s trainer has her on is not only annoying when you want to meet her for lunch, it’s also not legal and likely unsafe! 

I’m going to end things there, because even though I’m tempted to go on a rant about green drinks and other crazy fad weight loss programs, I really want to tell you how to enter to win your free nutrition plan!

Here’s what you need to do to get in on the fun:

1. Be a Fit Armadillo A-Lister .  Besides being eligible for this contest, you’ll also be the first to know about future contests and get a free membership in my Fit Club. If you’re not on the A-List, sign up HERE.

2. Become my Facebook Fan and/or Instagram Follower.

3.  Share photos of you doing any of the following on Facebook/Instagram/BOTH tagged #HealthyFitArmadillo (each entry = 1 point)

  • Working out
  • Eating healthy
  • Drinking water

4.  Find a 4-Leaf Clover to up your chances of winning (OK, this one is optional!)

5.  Post as often as possible from now through Friday, June 6th.

Learning how to eat healthy for your body is important no matter what your fitness goal might be. I’m so excited to offer this contest and hope you are too. Even if you don’t win the free nutrition plan, it’s a great way to keep your motivation up as we head into summer 😉

Are you ready to be a #HealthyFitArmadillo? Share your thoughts with a comment below. Heck, I’ll even give you an extra 2 points if you do 🙂 

Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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