Back to School Tips – Fit Armadillo

Back to School Tips

back to school tips first day of school

Back to School Tips - A Fresh Start for Your Fitness Routine

Back to school, it's "the most wonderful time of the year!"

Or that's what my dad always said/sang. Luckily, he didn't show off any of his "dance moves" during back to school shopping like this guy: ​

Even though I'm not going back to school this year, I've been hearing the back to school song on repeat in my head the past few weeks as our Houston based clients started gearing up for today, the first day of school. 

While I used to get annoyed by the Back to School song, I have to admit that there really is nothing like the first day of school.

When you're a student this is clear, but even if you're not joining a new classroom this month, I invite you to take advantage of the back to school spirit with me.  Instead of getting excited about a fresh start for your scholarly pursuits, I challenge you to use this time to give yourself a fresh start when it comes to your healthy lifestyle and fitness goals. 

Back to School Tips: Refresh Your Fitness Routine

1. Back to School Tip: Location Check

If you're a parent, you probably spent a lot of time considering where you'd send your child to school this year in order to give them the best chance of academic success.

Just as each school environment and location favors some students more than others, the physical location that's best for you and your fitness routine will be unique to your needs and personality.

The best #BacktoSchool choice depends on a child's unique needs - Choose WHERE you'll #workout just as carefully!

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Even if one location worked for you in the past, if it hasn't been working for you the last few months, NOW is the time to get real and make a change. 

Check your location:

Gym​ check:

If you know you work out best at a gym, make sure you're at the right one! Ask yourself:

1. Is your gym's location convenient?

2. Do you feel comfortable at your gym?

3. Are you using your gym's perks? If you joined a gym for the classes and you are just using the bike, does it really make sense to keep your membership?

4. Are the group fitness instructors qualified? Are the classes effective? Get help answering these questions HERE

For more on what to know before joining a gym head HERE.

Home gym check:
More the home gym type? Working out at home is a great way to save time and money and still get results. However, there are a few things you might want to do to refresh this location:
1. Do you have a space dedicated to your workouts?

While you don't need a whole basement full of fancy tools to enjoy an effective workout, if your treadmill, weight bench, etc. are covered in laundry or otherwise inaccessible, change that now!

2. Are you able to enjoy an efficient and effective workout?

If you don't know how to use the tools you have or how to use your time wisely, you might skip your workouts. Even one session with a personal trainer can go a long way in helping you enjoy better sessions in your home gym. 

2. Back to School Tip: Back to School Supplies

As the classic Staples back to school ad reminds us, going back to school is a lot easier when you're prepared with the proper supplies.  Once you know where you're going to spend time committed to your fitness studies, it's time to do a supply check. 

Check your supplies:

Fitness Supply Check:

While our online personal trainers would be happy to prove to you that you don't need fancy equipment to get in a great workout, you might have or wish to invest in some basic supplies.

Before heading back to fitness school make sure your equipment is appropriate for your current fitness level vs. last year's.

You wouldn't send your 5th Grader #BacktoSchool with a 2nd grade math book so why #workout with weights below your fitness level?

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You wouldn't have your kids use their 2nd grade math book year after year and you shouldn't use the same weights year after year. If you only have 2 lb weights, you're going to want to do some shopping (learn 4 reasons why).

Not sure what level weights you need? Learn how to buy a set of three weights that will help you reach your goals HERE
Healthy Food Supply Check:

1.  Is your pantry stocked with foods that aren't in line with your healthy lifestyle goals?

While it's fine to have some "smart splurges" you'll enjoy eating, putting tempting foods you'll reach for when you're stressed and agonize over eating later have no place in your life. Go through your pantry and refrigerator and make sure both are stocked with  foods that will fuel you to feel fabulous 😉

2.  Need some guidance with how to eat healthy for your body?

I offer some pretty awesome meal plans and would be happy to create one for you. Reach out to learn more HERE

Overall Health and Wellness Supply Check:

As I shared HERE, there is a lot more to your health and wellness than eating healthy and moving more. Check out the post for other areas you might need to address. Perhaps your bedtime routine could use an upgrade. Make sure you have the correct supplies to support your most pressing health and wellness needs.

Bottomline: Your healthy lifestyle is just as deserving of back to school supplies as your favorite student! Set yourself up for success.

Is your #HealthyLifestyle lacking the proper #BacktoSchool supplies?  Set yourself up for success & reach your #FitnessGoals!

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3. Back to School Tip: Routine Check

One of the most annoying things about back to school time when I was a student was the week leading up to the first day of school. After enjoying a minimally structured routine during summer break my parents made my sister and I practice our back to school routine and schedule.

While it might be annoying to crack down on any unhelpful habits in your current routine, checking out the reality of your day to day actions can make or break your success.

Check your routine:

 1. Do you have a routine?
While it's important to listen to your body and allow some wiggle room each day, if you aren't actually sticking to any routine, this is a great time to admit that and get back on track!

2.  Are you including all aspects of an effective routine each week?
If you just learned biology from kindergarten to 12th grade, you might be smart, but you also wouldn't be able to read or write. The same is true with fitness. Only doing cardio, only doing strength training or only working on your flexibility is just as silly. 

Your kids aren't JUST studying math. Is your #FitnessRoutine balanced? Do a #BacktoSchool check so you have a well-rounded plan.

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Tip: Track your weekly workouts with THIS resource to see how you're doing. 

4. Back to School Support System

The most successful students have a solid support system! Make sure you have a back to fitness support system in place.

Check your support system:

1.  Do you have your own fit friends?
If you're the only one of your friends and family dedicated to leading a healthy lifestyle, it will be a lot harder to be successful.

Either peer pressure them into going back to school and fitness with you (THIS would be a fun way to do it) or find a support team.

I have a great free online fit club for our A-Listers you can join. Live in Houston? Join us for me of our weekly walks!

2.  Do you need more 1-on-1 help?

There's no shame in having a tutor for difficult school subjects. If you're struggling to make your routine more efficient, effective, or aren't sure where to start, consider hiring a fitness tutor.

We have some amazing certified personal trainers and fitness professionals who can work with you 1-on-1 via online personal training and private yoga and Pilates sessions.

Head HERE to learn more. 
3.  Work better in a group?
We have an AWESOME group program (the last one of 2015) that starts September 12th. Learn more about the Drop 2 Sizes Challenge and sign up HERE (if we still have spots-this is limited to 10 participants due to the high level of support). 

Now that you've read these Back to School Tips for your fitness routine, it's time to take action!

Leave a comment letting us know how YOU will prepare yourself to get back to your fitness routine this week: 

Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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