Finding the Best Hiking Boots with Podiatrist Dr. Casey Ann Pidich

Finding the Best Hiking Boots with Podiatrist Dr. Casey Ann Pidich
Want to start hiking, but don't know where to begin? New hiking shoes are a great start, but finding the right hiking boots be an overwhelming process. Enter:hiking enthusiast and shoe loving podiatrist Dr. Casey Ann Pidich. Dr. Casey walks us (pun intended) through selecting hiking shoes in today's episode. Tune in to learn about the three main types of hiking boots you'll find when you do your shoe search and how to decide which one to choose based on your upcoming hikes. Dr. Casey also shares what to do to avoid having excess pain in your quadriceps and glute muscles. Also covered is the best time of day to try on hiking boots to ensure proper fit, the two main issues proper shoes and socks will help you avoid, and some basic tips on what to do if you end up getting an ankle sprain on a hike. Finally, Dr. Casey shares a favorite Poconos hiking spot, the shoes she's loving (find them on Amazon HERE) and insoles she recommends for additional support in your hiking boots.
About Dr. Casey Ann Pidich
Dr. Casey Ann Pidich (pie-dish) is the owner of the Glass Slipper shoe blog (launching soon!) and Instagram account Dr. Glass Slipper. She currently works as a podiatrist on Park Avenue Manhattan and has over ten years experience taking care of New Yorker’s feet. Her current practice specializes in sports injuries.
Dr. Casey Ann has completed a PM&S-24 Podiatric Medical & Surgical residency at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, in addition to hospitals in Brooklyn and the Bronx.
She worked for 6 years in a New York City Health Clinic in Tribeca and in Medicaid offices in the Bronx. She also trained residents as a Podiatric surgical attending in Montefiore outpatient Hospital for two years. Combining all of the above - with an undergraduate degree in Art and a developed appreciation for fashion - It made sense for her to follow her passion for shoes and share it with you.
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#Podiatrist Dr. Casey Ann Pidich shares tips for finding #HikingBoots on @thefitfifteen #PodcastShow by @fitarmadillo #FitnessTips #InjuryPrevention #TakeAHike #ShoeLover
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