Finding Support During the Grieving Process with Win Charles

Finding Support During the Grieving Process with Win Charles
Female Founder, Win Charles, stops by the show for our Friday series to share tips for self care during the grieving process. At a time when lots of things are out of our control, our mindset is something we can control. While Win's reflections center on taking care of yourself if you are grieving the loss of a loved one, they certainly can be applied to any loss you might be dealing with in your personal life. Win wanted to come on the show to share her tips, but also to be a personal support to listeners. If you are finding it hard to stop scrolling through social media or process your grief with your current circle of friends, you are invited to reach out to Win!
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Guest @WinKellyCharles stops by #PodcastShow @TheFitFifteen by @FitArmadillo to share #Mindset tips and help for #GrievingProcess
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