Ep 148: Marathon Momma on Running Boston and Multiple PRs in 2018

Marathon Momma on Running Boston and Multiple PRs (Personal Records) in 2018
Mary has definitely earned the title of Marathon Momma, the handle she uses on Instagram. Find out why as she shares her running journey and marathon journey. While Mary just started running in 2010, she's completed four Boston Marathons and many other half marathons and full marathons. She shares which races have been her favorite and some insights into all the running successes she's enjoyed in 2018, a year that's seen Mary PR (achieve personal best times aka personal records) in several distances.
About Marathon Momma Mary

Mary loves running. It is her passion. She especially loves when she can incorporate her training with her family. Whether it is a family run, stroller run, husband riding the bike with the little one in tow, or a treadmill run while the little and husband play. Mary also loves competing with herself to get better- to crush her previous times and work toward her goals. She's competed in 4 Boston Marathons, one while 34 weeks pregnant! She's achieved PRs in several distances in 2018.
Links of Interest:
Running Coaching
- Podcast show host and personal trainer, Catherine, is accepting new running coaching clients in 2019. Head HERE to get on the email list for updates.
- Are you a running coach or runner who'd like to add more science to your training? Catherine highly recommends Dr. Jason Karp's REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ certification program. You can get 5% off your course registration (in person or online) with code CATHERINEBASU
Tell a Friend:
Marathoner and #MotherRunner Mary stops by the @FitArmadillo #PodcastShow @thefitfifteen to share more about her #RunningJourney that includes several #BostonMarathon races one while pregnant!
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