Ep 52: Elyse Sparkes Shares her Prenatal Fitness Journey

Elyse Sparkes Shares her Prenatal Fitness Journey
One of my favorite fitness + wellness coach, personal trainer and yoga teachers is expecting for the first time! Elyse Sparkes stops by to share her prenatal fitness journey with us. We chat about how exercising during pregnancy wasn't what she expected mentally or physically and how's she's made adjustments as she's progressed from her 1st to 2nd trimesters. Elyse also shares the pregnancy workouts she's been loving and some of the tips she's learned from her prenatal classes. You'll love how Elyse keeps things real during this episode!
About Elyse Sparkes
game around exercise and start moving with ease and body kindness. Elyse has been featured as an expert with She Knows and Mind Body Green. When she's not doing squats and sun salutations, she's dressed up in vintage lindy hop dancing or gathering other Lovely Lady Entrepreneurs to talk about their careers and living their most passionate lives.
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- Start moving with Elyse today with these FREE stretch breaks you can do to feel more energized and aligned during your day!
- Free download - 7 Mindset Shifts + Journaling Questions to help you practice self-kindness *while* you get fit -
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#FitPro Elyse Sparkes stops by #PodcastShow @TheFitFifteen by @FitArmadillo to share her #PrenatalFitness journey and #HealthyMom #FitTips with us.
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