Ep 149: View From My Run Creator Lori Richmond’s Running Journey

View From My Run Creator Lori Richmond's Running Journey
It might have taken children's book author-illustrator Lori Richmond 39 years to become a runner, but she's created quite a buzz in the running community by combing her longtime passion for art with her newfound love of running. We chat about Lori's View From My Run Project, the artistic endeavor that landed her a spot in Runner's World Magazine, as well as her most recent running adventure, completing her first marathon. If you've ever thought of yourself as not an athlete or runner because of your creative abilities (or another reason), you're sure to find inspiration in this episode. Lori also shares some innovative ways other creatives have used to find their workout motivation. Know someone who completed the New York City Marathon? Lori's created several beautiful drawings from the race that can be purchased. Her children's books would also make a great gift this holiday season. Learn more (and be sure to reach out to help me convince her to pitch that children's book about running!) by connecting with her on social media.
About Lori Richmond

LORI RICHMOND is a corporate creative director turned picture book maker. She is the author-illustrator of Pax and Blue, which was called a "sprightly debut" by The New York Times and selected for exhibition in the Society of Illustrators 'Original Art' show. She is also the author-illustrator of Bunny's Staycation, and the illustrator of several other picture
books. Lori is also the creator of the popular running-inspired drawing series, View From My Run, which was featured by Runner's World and New York Road Runners.
Before her career in children's publishing, Lori was a sought-after expert on all things baby and parenting as a contributing editor to leading pregnancy and parenting brand, The Bump. She has appeared on Today, Good Morning America, CNN, and more.
Links of Interest:
- Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | PodBean
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- Visit Lori's website HERE for more information on her books and running journey.
- Lori can be found on Instagram HERE
- Lori was on another Fit Fifteen podcast show guest's podcast show! Listen to her on Tina Muir's podcast, Running for Real to learn more about being a children's book author and her running journey.
Running Coaching
- Podcast show host and personal trainer, Catherine, is accepting new running coaching clients in 2019. Head HERE to get on the email list for updates.
- Are you a running coach or runner who'd like to add more science to your training? Catherine highly recommends Dr. Jason Karp's REVO₂LUTION RUNNING™ certification program. You can get 5% off your course registration (in person or online) with code CATHERINEBASU
Tell a Friend:
Children's book #author #illustrator Lori Richmond stops by @FitArmadillo #PodcastShow @thefitfifteen to share more about her #RunningJourney and #ViewFromMyRunProject
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