12 Days of Fitness Challenge – Day 3 – Fit Armadillo

12 Days of Fitness Challenge – Day 3

Happy 3rd Day of Fitness!

UPDATE: The 12 Days of Fitness Challenge for 2015-2016 has come to an end.  Get your copy of the full 12 Days of Fitness Workout Video HERE.

Did you have a few too many Christmas cookies?

The 12 Days of Fitness Challenge is here to help you get back on track!

Get all the details on the challenge HERE so you know how to enter to win the 1-on-1 online personal training session we'll be giving away!

In addition to challenging you to keep moving over the holidays, our awesome online personal trainers are stopping by to share a new fitness gift each day of the 12 Days of Christmas and today is no exception!​

Your day 3 gift for the 12 Days of Fitness Challenge is brought to you by Certified Personal Trainers, Alexis Treichel and Briana Limoncelli.  

Unwrap your gift by watching the video:​

Now that you've unwrapped your gift, it's time to take action!

1. Make note of the variation of the exercise that makes sense for your current fitness level so you know which one to complete for the 12 Days of Fitness Workout on Day 13.

2. Complete 10 mins of cardio (our daily dare to you during the 12 Days of Fitness Challenge).​

3. Report your Day 3 workout (even if it's just 10 mins of walking) on social media and tag your post #12DaysofFitness @FitArmadillo so we can give you credit. This can be tricky on Facebook. For help with tagging posts there, head HERE

Remember, if you participate every day for the 12 days you'll get the 12 Days of Fitness Workout for FREE AND any day of participation will get you entered into our drawing for a 1-on-1 online personal training session.

To sign up to work with Alexis or Briana NOW instead of waiting to win, head HERE and request one of them for your next session.

Good luck on Day 3! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for your Day 4 Gift.

New to the Challenge? Catch up on previous posts:

Intro to the Challenge
Day 1 Fitness Gift
Day 2 Fitness Gift

Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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