Cardio Tips for Heart Health Month – Fit Armadillo

Cardio Tips for Heart Health Month

Cardio Fit Tips for Heart Health Month

As a personal trainer who got her start in fitness through running, I love me some cardio!

And that’s why February, Heart Health Month, is one of my favorite months.

Last year, I shared some videos dedicated to your cardiovascular fitness to help you celebrate Heart Health Month with me. Even though they are a little less skillful than my more recent videos (I’m so humble, I know!), the information is still valid so I thought I’d share them again all in one post before the month comes to an end.

Heart your yourself and your body with these tips!

Video 1:

How to monitor your cardiovascular fitness (no step test required!)

What you’ll learn in this video: Tips on how to measure your cardiovascular fitness, progress, and prevent overtraining.

Video 2:

Target Heart Rate: What it Is and How to Find Yours

What you’ll learn in this video: The basics have changed and your treadmill might not have the right values!

Video 3:

How important is it to stay in the Target Zone when Exercising

What you’ll learn in this video:  What do all of the different zones mean? Do you need to be in the fat burning zone, if you want to lose fat? Watch and learn 🙂

Don’t Forget…

Of course, even though cardiovascular fitness is my favorite form of exercise, it’s not the only one. A well rounded routine includes moves that get your heart pumping as well as flexibility, and strength. If this is all news to you, you may want to head HERE.

Taking It to the Next Level

One of the best ways to track your cardiovascular fitness is by using a heart rate monitor.

My favorite is the one I’m rocking right now, the Polar M400. Check it out:

Polar M400

My new favorite Heart Rate Monitor, The Polar M400

If you want to score a sweet deal on the watch, head HERE. I’m (finally!) an affiliate for this company so I will make a little money if you buy your watch there after clicking on the link, however, they usually have the best deals around AND super fast FREE shipping (I ordered my watch on a Sunday night and got on Tuesday!). That’s why I recommend them 🙂

Plus, their customer service reps are awesome! I know which watches work best for my goals and for a lot of my clients’ needs, but when I wanted to buy a cool hiking watch for my brother-in-law, I had no idea which would be the best. The HRM USA crew walked me through the decision and he LOVED the gift 🙂 Even if this company doesn’t have the best deal on the watch you want, they are a great starting point for sorting through all of the many options out there.

Now that you”ve checked out my tips for cardiovascular fitness, it’s time to take action!

Leave me a comment letting me know what you learned or sharing one of your favorite tips or cardio related fitness gadgets:  


Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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