Ep 61: Aspiring Elite Runner Alyssa Shares Her Weight Loss Story

Aspiring Elite Runner Alyssa Houtby Shares Her Weight Loss Story
Yesterday, Alyssa stopped by to talk about her running journey. Today, she's opening up about more of her health journey by sharing her weight loss story. Tune in to learn why Alyssa, who ran a 20+ minute BQ and then sub 3 hour marathon during her first two marathon attempts, feels that running competitively has helped improve her relationship with food.
About Alyssa Houtby:
Alyssa is a 20-something wife, mom to her three-year-old daughter Makenna, full-time career woman, and aspiring elite runner from Visalia, California. Alyssa ran her first ever marathon last May at the Mountains 2 Beach Marathon in Ojai in 3:09, more than 20 minutes faster than her Boston Qualifying Standard. In December she set her current Marathon PR, 2:58 at the CIM. Her next major goal is to qualify for 2020 Olympic Marathon Trials. She is a fitness lover, nutrition nerd, and fancies herself a chef in the kitchen. She says running is the glue that holds her crazy life together!
Links of Interest:
- Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | PodBean
- Share feedback, nominate a guest, or request a topic HERE
- Alyssa's 1st episode on The Fit Fifteen HERE (On Marathon Training and her running journey)
- Find Alyssa on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
- Check out Alyssa's favorite recipes in Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky's book HERE (Bison and Beet Smoothie)
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#ToddlerMom & #WorkingMom @alyssahoutby shares her #WeightLoss story. Get ready for lots of #FitnessInspiration on #PodcastShow @TheFitFifteen by @FitArmadillo #HealthyMoms #Marathoner #RunLikeaGirl #MomLife #RunnersLife
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