Ep 145: Fitness Motivation from People of Memorial Park

Fitness Motivation from People of Memorial Park
When you see the regular runners at your favorite trail, you might think they've always been super motivated. Author of People of Memorial Park, Stacy Holden, comes back to share stories from individuals in her book who couldn't comprehend running one mile at the beginning of their fitness journeys. This is part two of a conversation that started in yesterday's episode. In Ep 144 you'll learn more about the creation of Stacy's book, which was a Hot New Release and you can get for 20% - check the show notes for details. If you enjoyed this episode, you'll also want to check out Ep 114 and Ep 115 with Shellye Arnold, CEO and President of the Memorial Park Conservancy. To learn more about the Houston Turkey Trot check out Ep 135 that your podcast host invites you to join with her and client and former podcast guest (Ep 28, Ep 51, Ep 74, Ep 128) Meredith Rice.
About Stacy Holden

Stacy Holden is a native Houstonian, and began running at seven years old, only to be diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and celiac disease three years later. Through these health hardships, her exercise habits never faltered, and in 1988, she and her parents began training at Houston’s Memorial Park. After 25 years of running at the Park, Stacy started thinking about all of the people who she recognized, but did not know their names, much less their stories. Her desire to learn more inspired her to track them down
and write a book. Since the book's debut at the top of Amazon's Hot New Releases, Stacy has continued her efforts to meet new individuals in a weekly blog at peopleofmemorialpark.com.
Links of Interest:
- Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | PodBean
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- Get your signed copy of People of Memorial Park and enjoy a 20% discount when you order it HERE with code FITARMADILLO
- Listen to Ep 144 also with Stacy Holden for more inspiration
- Want help with your running? Podcast host and personal trainer, Catherine Basu, will be offering more running coaching programs in 2019. Get on the email list for updates HERE.
Tell a Friend:
Author of #NewBook People of #MemorialPark Stacy Holden stops by @FitArmadillo #PodcastShow @thefitfifteen to share more about the book, a great #GiftIdea for #HoustonTX friends
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