Mindset Tips for Starting Over with Artist, Author and Mentor Paula Mould Part II

Mindset Tips for Starting Over with Artist, Author & Mentor Paula Mould (Part II)
Author, artist, and mentor, Paula Mould, comes back to finish Friday's conversation on the power of your mindset during transitional times. Enjoy learning some of the coping methods Paula has used to go from broke and broken to thriving in her personal and professional life as well as tips for becoming more authentic as a creative. In the second half of today's episode, Paula shares her personal fitness journey, another time she has had to start over and show her resilience. Artists, authors, employees, moms, really anyone looking for hope during these challenging times is sure to be find it in today's guest.
Since our recording of this interview, Paula has coauthored another book! Check out Sell More Art and more resources for artists and self-published authors in the show notes!
About Paula Mould

Paula Mould is a fine artist, author of books "Wake The Fuck Up!" and Sell More Art, as well as a mentor at The Creative Visionary. Four years ago she had a certain death experience that triggered a midlife crisis that changed nearly every aspect of her life.
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For more Female Founder Inspiration for Fitting in Fitness:
Check out your host's bestselling book:
Superwomen Secrets Revealed: Successful Women Talk About Fitting in Fitness and Dare You to Join Them
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#FemaleFounder #Author and #Artist @PaulaMould stops by @thefitfifteen #PodcastShow by @fitarmadillo to share tips on the #PowerofMindset when it comes to starting over and her #FitnessJourney
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