Ep 129: How to Make Peace with Food and Body Image Registered Dietitian Karen Diaz

How to Make Peace with Food and Body Image with Registered Dietitian Karen Diaz
No one wants their daughter to grow up with an eating or body image disorder. However, if you’re a mother battling these issues yourself, you may worry about passing them on to your child. There is a way you can end your war with food and self-esteem—and save your daughter as well. Registered dietitian and author of Within, Karen Diaz, stops by to share her two-part approach to confronting eating and body image disorders. If you're interested in shedding the diet culture, becoming self-full, re-envisioning mealtime, and learning how to discuss bodies with your children you'll love this conversation and Karen's book. Her book is not a diet, but rather the means to quiet the criticism and noise impacting your ability to flourish—and your family’s ability to thrive. Grab Karen's book for just $0.99 HERE on 10/25/2018 and 10/26/2018.
Links of Interest:
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- Get Karen's book for just $0.99 on October 25th & 26th 2018 HERE
- Visit Karen's website HERE
- Ep 101 : An Intro to Intuitive Eating with Registered Dietitian Sarah Pruett Soufl
- Ep 102: An Intro to Intuitive Eating with Registered Dietitian Sarah Pruett Soufl
- Join the Fit Armadillo #1MileADay October Fitness Challenge. Post on social media and tag @FitArmadillo for help holding yourself accountable. FREE tracker for this fitness challenge can be found HERE.
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#RegisteredDietitian and author @karendiazrd stops by @thefitfifteen #PodcastShow by @fitarmadillo to share tips for parents looking to make peace with food and #BodyImage #HealthyFamily #HealthyKids #MomLife #DadLife
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