Why You’re Not Reaching Your Fitness Goals – Fit Armadillo

Why You’re Not Reaching Your Fitness Goals

Two Reasons Why You Aren’t Reaching Your Fitness Goals

fitness goals

Goal setting is an important part of making a healthy lifestyle change.

So important that this is the second week I’ve dedicated to showing you how to set and achieve your goals.

In part one of this goal setting series,  I gave you some goal setting 101 tips and helped you figure out how to set a healthy weight loss goal.  If you are new to setting goals or have a weight loss goal, be sure to catch part one HERE.

Today’s post is focused on your fitness goals.

As a personal trainer I’ve found two main reasons why people fail to reach their fitness goals.

It doesn’t matter if these goals are related to cardio, strength, or flexibility. If someone has failed to take into account these two factors, they undoubtedly struggle with stepping up their fitness game.

Are you struggling to reach your current fitness goal?

I’m willing to bet that it has something to do with one or both of these reasons.

So STOP what you’re doing…er…at least stop reading! Don’t leave this website!!! Do…

Tune into this week’s video here:

Now that you’ve watched this week’s video, it’s time to take action!

Leave a comment letting me know which of these two reasons have been keeping you from reaching your goals in the past and what you are going to do TODAY to turn things around: 



If you are falling prey reason #1, click HERE to download the gift I told you about in the video.

DIY Fitness CourseWant more help reaching your fitness goals?

Sign up for my 5 Day DIY Fitness Program. A new class starts each Monday. Learn more HERE.




Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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