How to Improve Your 5K Running Time

How to Improve Your 5K Running Time
Lately, I've been having a lot of fun on Instagram connecting with fans, answering fitness questions, and sharing fit tips and silliness in Instagram stories. Sidenote: if you're not following me on Insta yet, I hope you will! Head HERE to find me 😉
A few weeks back, I received an AWESOME fan question. The beginning runner I connected with wanted to know how to improve her 5K running time.
I wanted to share ALL the running tips, but I decided to keep things as simple as possible. Afterall, I didn't want to overwhelm this new 5K racer and have her run away from the best sport ever!
Plus, I knew I could always share more tips on the blog and that's what I'm doing today!
In today's Tighten + Tone Tuesday fitness video, I'm sharing 3 ways you can improve your 5K running speed EVEN if you are a beginner and don't have access to a track for a speed workout. And while I DO recommend investing in a running watch at some point (THIS is my favorite and more accurate than the more popular FitBit based on studies and experience or even the $$$ Apple watch that my hubby HAD to get....*sigh), you could use a free app like MapMyRun to track your running pace if you don't have one yet 😉
I've tried to make these 3 strategies as beginning runner friendly as possible, however, each one can be used to help you improve your 3 mile time even if you're a more experienced runner.
Watch the video to learn:
- 3 easy peasy (no track or dreadmill required!) strategies for improving your 5K race pace
- How often to incorporate interval training if you want to improve your 5K speed, but don't want to increase your risk of injury
- The difference between run walk intervals and speed workout intervals
- The strategy I wish I was better at implementing and even more advanced runners should take more seriously (use it NOW as you're getting started and be WAY ahead of the learning curve)
- How to increase your running confidence at a faster pace
- Why the Fit Armadillo team is uniquely positioned to help you take your 5K racing to the next level
How to Improve Your 3 Mile Time (NO Track Required!):
Now that you've watched this video, it's time to take action!
Take action to improve your 5K time NOW*:
*On WARM muscles! Don't just head out the door like a speed demon 😉
1. Pick at LEAST one strategy to add to your 5K training plan this week and identify the day you'll complete it. Read: Add the workout to your calendar now!
2. Gather your supplies:
- MapMyRun app or a running watch
- Your NEW running shoes - a little more on that HERE (WARNING: this is more of a #TBT's 2 yrs old, but the tips are still valid and before the credits roll, I do something pretty silly, if you're in need of a laugh).
- Stats from a 5K running time pace calculator
- Your I heart running shirt (optional, but #TheTrendiest 😉 )
Take your 5K training to the next level:
1. Get fitted for new running shoes at a SPECIALTY shoe store.
If you haven't done this yet - PLEASE do this before you try anything else. Otherwise, you're just an injury waiting to happen. Want to make your 5K running speed 30 mins slower i.e. 0 min/mile? Then by all means ignore this advice, but get your ice pack ready now!
One of my favorite running shoe stores, Run Newport, is going to offer something special to guests of my author talk and book signing at the Newport County YMCA this Saturday, June 10th (411 HERE).
Not local to Newport, RI, but need new shoes? Email me: Catherine AT and I'll try to hook you up, too 😉
2. Book a private fitness session with one of the Fit Armadillo certified fitness professionals.
Strength training and flexibility workouts are JUST as important as cardiovascular fitness and BOTH will help improve your 5K running time, too!
Head HERE to book your private online personal training or private yoga session today.
Yes - online! As in you get to work out with us from the comfort of your home or home away from home. One of the best parts of becoming a runner is the freedom - you can take your fitness routine with you ANYWHERE and we help you do that with ALL aspects of your fitness routine 😉 Use the money you save after ditching your gym membership towards a few private sessions with one of our awesome trainers so your workouts are efficient and effective.
Our instructors are NOT like those mean ones on TV OR the meat heads at the gym-they've all run more than 3 mins in their lives 😉
Trust me - and/or check out my own private yoga session with Kayla that I recorded for your viewing pleasure HERE OK....REALLY to help you feel better about your own yoga skills-there's a reason why runners NEED yoga!).
Now that you've learned my tips, I'd love to know which of the 3 strategies you'll incorporate to improve your 5K running speed. Share by leaving a comment and if you have a fitness question - leave that, too! I'd be happy to answer yours 🙂