Ep 004: Making Sense of Scientific Research

Making Sense of Scientific Research
A recent study found…Rolling your eyes? Scientific reports shared in the media often seem to conflict one another. How DOES the scientific process work? Can we trust scientific research? Is drinking red wine healthier than doing an hour of cardio? Guest and scientist Dr. Amy Ryan discusses all of these topics and more in this episode of The Fit Fifteen podcast show so we can be better consumers and make sense of scientific studies.
Key Takeaways:
The current values of society do not line up with how we do science: we like information overload and fast and easy answers. By the time we hear about scientific studies, a game of telephone has made it so every study seems clear and life-changing. But science doesn’t work like that, every study is a drop of information in a large bucket of knowledge. Furthermore, not every study is created equal and should be evaluated before we draw any grand conclusions.
About Dr. Amy Ryan

Dr. Amy Ryan is a scientist who studies primate behavior and cognition. She is currently an Autism Research Fellow at the University of California Davis studying how we can potentially learn more about causes of and treatments for Autism by studying monkeys. She has studied monkeys in a variety of settings, from human-managed ones such as laboratories and zoos, to wild populations in in the forests of Uganda in Africa. She has a passion for engaging the public about the animals we share our planet with and for increasing opportunities for others to participate in science.
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Is #RedWine >a 1hr #CardioWorkout? Scientist Dr. @Amy_M_Ryan stops by #PodcastShow @TheFitFifteen by @FitArmadillo to help us make sense of #ScientificStudies #TheFit15
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