eggs – Fit Armadillo
Category Archives for "eggs"

Dinner is served! Falafel Scotch Eggs with Radicchio

Here in Houston, TX it’s been a lovely What’s for Dinner? Wednesday!  This week’s meal, Falafel Scotch Eggs with Radicchio, was inspired by a recipe I found while visiting my sister down under and it was delectable!   I hadn’t heard of scotch eggs until finding the recipe that inspired this meal in MiNDFOOD magazine. […]

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What’s for Dinner? Wednesday: Swiss Chard and Spinach Tart for Your Sweetheart!

Happy What’s for Dinner? Wednesday! Last week my husband asked if I could please find a recipe that used Swiss chard.  It might sound like a weird husband recipe request, but his leafy green veggie is one of the last survivors of our balcony garden.  In response to his request, I found a recipe on […]

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