lemon – Fit Armadillo
Category Archives for "lemon"

What’s for Dinner? Wednesday: Swiss Chard and Spinach Tart for Your Sweetheart!

Happy What’s for Dinner? Wednesday! Last week my husband asked if I could please find a recipe that used Swiss chard.  It might sound like a weird husband recipe request, but his leafy green veggie is one of the last survivors of our balcony garden.  In response to his request, I found a recipe on […]

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What’s for Dinner? Wednesday: Lemon Chicken with Red Beans and Quinoa

This week’s What’s for Dinner? Wednesday meal is Lemon Chicken with Read Beans and Quinoa.  This tangy, protein-filled number was adapted from one in the March 2013 copy of Shape magazine. The most time intensive part of this meal is cooking the quinoa because it takes about 25 mins to make, however, it’s a pretty […]

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