Healthy Recipe Ideas – Fit Armadillo

Healthy Recipe Ideas

Healthy Recipe Ideas

If you haven’t heard the news, you’re probably not an A-Lister (but you can become one HERE 😉 )

Last weekend I became an aunt!

I’d share a pic of my super cute niece, but I’m not sure if her mom would approve.

Let’s just say she’s the cutest baby to be born down under in a long time…as in ever.  And I know some pretty cute Australian babies (like Denise Duffield Thomas‘s baby…adorable, right (she makes an appearance at the end of the video 😉 ?).

But, Heidi is the winner.

What do cute Aussie babies have to do with What’s for Dinner? Wednesday?

Well, I’m blaming at least Heidi, my niece, for the fact that I don’t have a new recipe for you to try this week.

I’ve just been too busy staring at her pics and looking at cute baby clothes!

OK, I did also host an online workshop today about dieting and why you need to ditch your diet. It’s pretty awesome and I’ll leave it up until Sunday, if you want to catch it. Just click HERE.

Either way, I’m a bad blog hostess/author/owner? .

But, I have a few things to share that I hope will make up for not doing my homework this week.

It’s a list of my favorite resources for finding healthy recipe ideas.

Here are my top four fave spots:

1. Clean Eating Magazine

If you follow me on social, I bet you’ve seen this yummy pic:

No, it’s not a dinner, but it is a yummy after dinner treat from the magazine that started it all for me! Clean Eating Magazine is the first cook “book” I used out of college. I love their recipes!

You can grab a subscription HERE. I know you won’t regret it!

2.  My Pinterest Board

This is where I log all of the What’s for Dinner? Wednesday meals.  Check it out and get inspired 🙂

3.  The Skinnytaste Cookbook

If you don’t own this cookbook yet, or do and want to gift it to a friend STOP what you are doing right now and head HERE. Amazon has this awesome cookbook on sale for >60% off this week. It’s insane!  But a must buy. I’ve shared two recipes from the cookbook on this site. To see my review of the book click HERE.

4. Yummly

I love this website when I have a bunch of ingredients I need to use up stat. It’s searchable by ingredient and amazing. I found last week’s dinner idea, Salmon Couscous, on the site.

So those are my top four healthy recipe resources.

Have you used them? What are your favorites? I’d love to know! Leave me a comment to tell me your thoughts: 

Catherine Turley

Hello! I'm the founder of Fit Armadillo® and I'm so glad you're here. If you've been looking for a way to start your healthy lifestyle, but you don’t want to join a gym or spend thousands of dollars on supplements and fad products, you’ve come to the right place. On the blog we share fitness tips and healthy recipes to get you started. For more 1-on-1 help head here to get matched with an awesome certified fitness professional. Looking for motivation to start or stick to your routine? Check out my *bestselling* book HERE

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