How to Calculate Your Ideal Body Weight
In this week’s video I’ll be teaching you how to calculate your ideal body weight. After last week’s video on how to calculate your body fat percentage and the previous week’s video on how to calculate your BMI, you’re probably getting pretty good at math these days! Your Algebra teacher would be so proud of you! If you still need your calculator, that’s OK too. I won’t tell anyone 😉
Now, you may be wondering why you would want to spend another week doing fitness math with me when there are so many fitness calculators online. Can’t you find your ideal body weight that way?
You are correct. You could use an online calculator or height and weight chart, BUT most of the ones I’ve seen don’t take into account your current or desired body fat percentage to help you find a healthy weight for you. The method I’m going to show you is the way your personal trainer would calculate your ideal body weight and takes into account more than just your height (in fact, your height isn’t even used!).
Ready for one more week of fitness math? (I promise to give you next week off!) Check out the video that includes a sample calculation below:
Now that you’ve watched this video, don’t forget to share your knowledge with a friend and to take action now. Leave a comment to let us know your thoughts and what goals your working on: