Keto or Intermittent Fasting? Registered Dietitian Emily Tills Helps You Navigate Diet Trends

Keto or Intermittent Fasting? Registered Dietitian Emily Tills Helps You Navigate Diet Trends
Want to try the keto diet or intermittent fasting to jumpstart your weight loss goals? Before you cut out carbohydrates or start reducing the number of hours during the day that you are allowed to eat, you'll want to listen to this episode! Registered dietitian, Emily Tills, shares insights on these diets in particular and trendy diets in general to help you make an eating plan that will support your longterm health and happiness. This episode is a two parter so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss the second half of our conversation full of more tips and questions Emily has her own weight loss clients use in her work as a nutrition coach.
About Emily Tills:
nutrition. She is a graduate of Marywood University's Coorindated Program and Internship in Nutrition and Dietetics and Concordia University's Master's of Applied Exercise Science and Sports Nutrition Program. She is regularly seen as a contributor to Reader's Digest, Healthline, INSIDER, Popsugar, Bustle and other online publications and runs her own blog, Nourished with Emily. Emily is passionate about helping men and women break free from dieting and finally lose weight without restriction. She also runs multiple social media channels, @nourishedwithemily on Instagram the Nourished with Emily Facebook group, and find her on LinkedIn as well!
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Should you try the #KetoDiet? #IntermittentFasting? #RegisteredDietitian @nourishedwithEmily stops by #PodcastShow @TheFitFifteen to share tips!
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