marathon – Fit Armadillo
Tag Archives for " marathon "

What to Do After Running a Marathon

Life after racing 26.2 miles You put in the time to train, you made it to the starting line of your race, and you completed the 26.2 mile distance (maybe a little more if you weren’t able to run the tangents!). You should be proud. Wondering, “now what?!” It’s time to recover! After following a […]

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Becoming a Marathoner with Courtney Poullas (Part II)

first marathon race podcast episode

Becoming a Marathoner with Courtney Poullas (Part II) Marathoner Courtney Poullas comes back to share her experience completing her first marathon. This episode is the second part of a conversation we started yesterday. In that part of our conversation, Courtney shared why she decided to complete a marathon and what got her to the start […]

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Becoming a Marathoner with Courtney Poullas

becomming a marathoner podcast episode

Becoming a Marathoner with Courtney Poullas Runner Courtney Poullas is officially a marathoner! Today, she shares how she, a “gym class failure,” decided to train for and complete a marathon. While she just successfully finished the Pittsburgh Marathon, this was not the first marathon she signed up to complete. Find out what it took to […]

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Marathon Monday 2019 with Katherine Wuestenfeld

marathon monday 2019 boston marathon

Marathon Monday 2019 with Marathoner Katherine Wuestenfeld Marathoner and running coach Katherine Wuestenfeld completed her first Boston Marathon last week. Yesterday, she shared her journey to a Boston qualifying time (Ep 182). Today, she shares how she trained for the Boston Marathon and her Marathon Monday experience. Katherine’s story is very inspirational. You definitely don’t […]

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